Successful Coaches Club

A community for coaches to learn, connect, implement, grow and scale businesses together so you are not alone any more!

Successful Coaches Club

Connect, learn, implement & grow your coaching business in a small group
of like-minded coaches

  • You’re already coaching in your own business or as a part of your job and you want to grow yourself and your business.

  • You continuously learn and develop as a coach and love meeting other coaches – you’ll be excited to join our live calls!

  • You want to implement more of what you’ve learned already. You’ll find it easier working on your business with other coaches with similar goals and values.

  • You’d like to brainstorm and bounce back ideas in a nice atmosphere where you can showcase your expertise and get the support you need to continue growing your business.

  • You’d like a safe, trusting, non-judgemental space to discuss business, coaching case studies – where you can be heard, supported, reassured and inspired by others.

  • You may feel lonely in your business and would like to be around like-minded coaches, connect, learn, support and have fun together.

  • You are passionate about coaching, love talking about coaching and would like to contribute and share your experiences with other coaches

  • You’d like to explore more techniques and ideas and learn from other coaches without buying new courses.

  • You value a personal touch of a small group, where everyone knows each other, where you can be yourself and feel comfortable talking about everything.

  • You’ve finally found a community where we understand you! You are in the right place!

“I always hear what I need to hear. There’s an easy answer to every problem.”

Isabelle Griffiths – Emotional Wellbeing & Resilience Coach

What’s included

  • Interactive workshops personalised to cover what you need right now in your coaching business so you don’t need to buy any other courses or programmes.

  • Live masterminds in a small group, so you can think out loud, brainstorm business ideas, ask questions, ask for insights and opinions and gain momentum to move forward.

  • CEO calls with yourself where you can reflect, track your progress, share your successes and get inspired by other coaches.

  • Co-working space – to get things done, write your blog, update your financial spreadsheets or implement what you’ve learned and work on your business in a nice, fun environment. No more feeling isolated or procrastinating!

  • Every week a zoom call at the same time (Thursday 12pm London time). One week it’s a workshop, another week a mastermind, next time it’s a co-working space and we finish the month with a CEO call with yourself. You will soon get used to seeing us more often than your friends! You’ll love working on your coaching business with us!

  • Access to previous workshop recordings – we’ve covered branding, time management, creating your online course/ group programme, selling and launching successfully, marketing strategies, time management and a lot more.

  • Yearly awards to keep you motivated and help you celebrate your progress and wins. It’s also a great way to showcase your authority.

  • Accountability. After each call, you will have a clarity of your actions and a chance to report back your progress.

  • Community of like minded people – a facebook group where you can ask for help, ask for feedback, review, opinion or share your successes and wins with Wioleta and other coaches.

  • Recommendations and promotion – when members are hosting workshops, promoting online courses etc. Wioleta and other coaches help to spread the word on social media.

  • Free access to all online and live workshops hosted by Wioleta.

  • Lots of fun, high energy and excitement about your business!

“We are supporting, encouraging and inspiring one another.”

Amanda Jones – Life & Bereavement Coach

“I personally know and trust every coach that is a part of our community”

I was struggling to find a community where I could openly talk about my business, discuss coaching and case studies, without worrying of being judged. I even felt a bit lonely in my business.

One of my clients mentioned she had no community where she could go and talk about coaching and business, so I decided to create Successful Coaches Club – a place to be to grow, learn, develop together, empower and support each other.

It’s important to me that the group stays intimate, so we know and trust each other. I personally know every single coach that enters our group.


Successful Coaches Club Host, Wioleta Wydrych

“I get so much more done after masterminds. I created programs, so many people joined… I have so much energy…”

Monica Ducu – Business Coach

“As soon as you hear somebody else with the same problem you can attack it straight away.”

Reg Goslin – Career Coach

Successful Coaches Club Member
